Tuesday, April 21, 2009


While this is in no way related to the Beach Bums, it is related to baseball and sparked quite the debate on my facebook page last night so I thought I would bring it over here and let you all get involved as well...

I listed the Top Five pitchers that I have seen pitch (AKA pretty much for me from the 80's on and for you that depends)...Not that I have seen in person, but the Top Five pitchers that I have seen during my time as a baseball fan...My five in order are below...Comment away and list your five as well...

1. Nolan Ryan
2. Roger Clemens
3. Greg Maddux
4. Tom Glavine
5. Randy Johnson

Ever wonder why every Nolan Ryan picture is from the Rangers which was at the tail end of his 27-year career and was the team he spent the least amount of time with??

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