Friday, June 29, 2012

Almost Famous???

So get this...As we leave the hotel today there was a crazy ton of camera crews...Walking out into the lobby to get to the bus I almost felt like I was interfering with something...This leads me to a sidebar...In 2008 while with the Beach Bums, the hotel we stayed at in Kalamazoo was the sight of some horror movie that was being filmed or something...It was on a getaway day and the crew kept telling us we were getting in the shots because we were all hanging out outside to watch...Never heard the title of that indy flick nor saw it...

But today, turns out a few of the Boomers will now be featured on a TV show this fall entitled Chef Race: UK vs US...I know C.J. Thieleke and Chad Mozingo logged on camera time for sure...Apparently its a race across the country between 16 chefs making food in various cities...They asked about coming to the game tonight to cook our postgame meal so who knows...I will provide details as I learn them but I guess it is supposed to air on BBC America this fall...

Here are a few details I found about it...

Jamie Oliver to Produce Chef Race

Chef Race Films in Wichita

This truck was at the hotel today...

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