Friday, May 4, 2012

Hello Boomer Country!!!!!

Greetings Boomer Country!!!! Welcome to my blog...It's spring, which means it is time to see the boys of summer in action! First an update...On this spot all season long I will be posting cool (At least in my eyes) stuff about the Boomers and the Frontier League...Feel free to digest, share, comment, and enjoy...

The first workout is in the books...Nothing too complicated yesterday just I-O (Infield-Outfield for those who don't speak baseball lingo, maybe I should rename that blingo! I did come up with my own saying for speaking in twitter language; Shameless plug...Follow me, @tcpopcorn on twitter...There should be a link to my page as well as the Boomers twitter page in the cool and useful places to visit section on the bottom right of this blog; My mind tends to wander FYI...Someday I will pen a book of all my experiences titled The Pressbox Diaries...Anyway during a broadcast I came up with the term twingo for speaking in twitter lingo such as 'Pound Awesome') and batting practice was also part of the workout yesterday...Today will be similar...Here I will post thoughts on the workouts and whatnot as well as live blogs during most exhibition games and links to articles and broadcasts during spring training, yes I will be broadcasting a few of the exhibitions...We are working on a plan to get a little more interactive with you as well, potentially youtube interviews and such...

The roster is currently at the maximum allowed by the Frontier League and all of the guys are itching to prove their worth...They will have their first real chance to prove it this evening and you can be a part of it as well as the Boomers welcome an All-Star Team from a local men's league in a fundraiser for the Les Turner ALS Foundation...Tickets are $10 and all proceeds go directly to the Les Turner ALS Foundation...In a post in a little while I will post some thoughts about ALS, which is a very personal cause to me...Note that another reason for coming tonight is to hear the finals of the PA contest...The final three will be on hand workin out those pipes (If that's possible, maybe I should take notes, this cold has hit me hard this week, of course, my first week with the new club)

Have you seen the new videoboard?? If not, you can come see it at tonight's exhibition or at any of the exhibitions (FULL SCHEDULE) Or you can click here to see all the photos of the installation...

Quickly a little about me...I love music, baseball, and having fun...You will notice that most of those intertwine...Dave Matthews (I've seen him in concert like 20 times since 1998) and Pearl Jam (I heart 90's Rock!!) are my two faves though country has grown on me of late (I'm going to see Eric Church next weekend at the Sears Centre) and I always love pop (I admit, Carly Rae Jepsen and Selena Gomez get me movin!!) and rock but you can also hear me rockin' the chill tunes of Jimmy Buffett, especially when I am next to the grill, grichillaxin (New word, I just made that up)...I am a diehard Chicago sports fan and long suffering Cubs fan, but shhh...I actually like going to The Cell a lot...Sidebar...Go Bulls!!!

I grew up not far from Schaumburg in Elgin and started coming to games at this ballpark in the inaugural season of 1999...My 'career', I use that term loosely because I am still young :) began here when I was in college as the North Central (Go Cardinals!) radio station broadcast games I think in 2002...I also served as a game day employee in the press box as the official scorer for many moments including Nigel Thatch...Currently, I reside in Wheaton...

I love social media, and spend way too much time on there, but I do justify it in saying that a lot of it does intertwine with my job here at the Boomers and at Benedictine University in Lisle where you will find me in the fall/winter/early spring (Though the home finale for BenU baseball is tomorrow)...Also, I enjoy tweeting back and forth with Vice President of Marketing and Promotions Dave Salvi, who I am not afraid to admit I'm pretty sure has a man crush on me (Oh Snap!!! Got heeeeem!!)

I've been blogging since 2008 I think when I was in Traverse City and it seems like a good way to connect and interact daily with fans while sharing things that I find interesting both on the field and the broadcast booth...Feel free to peruse any of my old posts to see some of the things I write about...Also, Calderwood's Coup is the tentative name, if you can come up with a better one let me know... I come to the Boomers by way of the RailCats...Last season for the first time I had the opportunity to be home year round and this year now I am even closer which is awesome! I hope you enjoy this site, my tweets, my broadcasts, and most importantly...BOOMERS BASEBALL!!!!!! Hope to see you at the ballpark!!!


Tim 'Woody (Ask Dave Salvi)' 'Popcorn (The nickname I earned in grad school, I think there is a story somewhere on here from a few years back where I detailed that name, though shout out to Jared Locke, LHP for the Beach Bums for two seasons, who told me I should just make up a new story everytime someone asks)' Calderwood

Voice of the Boomers!!!

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